Top 4 Reasons Why You Should Not Invest In NFTs

By nazaire

NFTs are also known as non-fungible tokens and are a buzzword these days. They are the hype in the cryptocurrency industry and are a niche market in the blockchain industry. However, other than the term NFT here, what else do we know about this trend in the crypto world. Many people are buying crypto-currencies and…

What Drives Inflation?

By nazaire

There are two main causes of inflation: demand-pull and cost-push. Both are responsible for a general rise in prices in an economy, but they each work differently. Demand-pull conditions occur when demand from consumers pulls prices up, while cost-push occurs when supply costs force prices higher. You may find some sources that cite the third…

International Finance – Who Decides the Exchange Rate?

By nazaire

If you travel or do business internationally, you most likely will need to exchange your own currency for that of the country you are visiting or working with. The amount of money you’ll get for a given amount of your country’s currency is based on internationally determined exchange rates. In this article, we will attempt…