Top 5 Things To Know About Student Loans

By nazaire

The holidays are just beginning. But many students must already start preparing for their next academic year, especially financially. The cost of studying can be a barrier to career plans. Some families can afford to pay for their children’s education. For others, a student loan can be a solution. But before you start canvassing banks,…

Top 7 Qualities Colleges Look For In Student Applicants

By nazaire

If you’re just starting your application, know the most important qualities that will impress an admissions officer. The latest annual survey of university admissions officers highlights the top qualities universities will look for in applicants’ personal statements, in addition to academic qualifications. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn about some…

Top 5 Side Hustles For College Students

By nazaire

More than 40% of students have a paid job in addition to their studies. In which professions or sectors are they recruited? Discover our list of interesting student jobs for you; they are attractive because they do not require many hours of work or pay more than the minimum wage. More than 98% of the…

What Is Pink Tax And Is It Real? (Part Two)

By nazaire

What is pink tax? We, women, have a lot of challenges associated with our gender only, and as if it was not enough that we receive less money for the same position compared to men, we have to pay for what we call the “pink tax”. If you want to read about what is pink…

Top 4 Side Hustle For College Students

By nazaire

College is one of the funnest times of your life and as someone who just graduated college with a First class English degree and now working a full-time job, let me tell you that you will never have the same experience again. So, if you are in college, have fun and enjoy your journey to…

How to Save Money as a Broke College Student

By nazaire

Being broke in college is a rite of passage for all college students because we’ve all been down this road at least once at some point or the other. And some of us, me in particular, were broke 90% of the time, and after my first year, I became an expert in navigating life being…

Living on a budget: The life of a broke uni student.

By nazaire

Uni life is one of the most exciting parts of any young adult’s life; it’s the time that most of us are left on our own, and we are left to hustle and experience life. Yes, you’ll go to your fair share of parties, get drunk like nobody, discover yourself, but you’ll also have to…