Everything you need to know about student loans.

By nazaire

Taking on any debt isn’t ideal, and most of our parents strictly forbade us from doing this. But student loans are one of the few loans that most of us working and middle-class kids have to take to afford the ridiculous cost of a college education. Most of us bet on scholarships and other grants…

6 Ways to Build Credit Fast

By nazaire

If your reported credit score is lower than expected, there may be quick ways to raise it. Depending on what keeps it lower, you could gain up to 100 points relatively quickly. Scores in the ‘fair’ and ‘poor’ ranges of credit scores can yield significant results, allowing better access to loans or credit cards and…

Everything You Need to Know About Your Credit Score

By nazaire

A credit score is a three-digit number, typically between 300 and 900, designed to represent your credit risk or the likelihood you will pay your bills on time. A credit score is calculated based on the information in your credit report. The way your credit score is calculated and the contents of your consumer file…