Top 5 Things To Expect During Orientation Week In College

By Mark

For the tens of thousands of students who will be starting college in the fall, summer is a time of great excitement and probably more than a little anxiety about transitioning into your new home and new role. As stressful as this time can be for American students, it is even more so for international…

Gen Z: 5 Tips To Attract And Retain Talent

By nazaire

Sometimes misunderstood by companies and almost feared, generation Z is nevertheless arriving at the labor market in great strides. Although they represent 20% of the working population today, it is estimated that by 2025, more than half of the working population will be part of it. Born between 1995 and 2010, the young people of…

Top 7 Qualities Colleges Look For In Student Applicants

By nazaire

If you’re just starting your application, know the most important qualities that will impress an admissions officer. The latest annual survey of university admissions officers highlights the top qualities universities will look for in applicants’ personal statements, in addition to academic qualifications. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn about some…

Top 5 Ways To Make Money On TikTok

By nazaire

With more than 970 million users worldwide, TikTok has become the most popular platform. But did you know that you can also earn money on it? This article delves into the different ways to earn money on TikTok. Tiktokers who manage to make a living from their content on TikTok are often very young and…

Top 5 Side Hustles For College Students

By nazaire

More than 40% of students have a paid job in addition to their studies. In which professions or sectors are they recruited? Discover our list of interesting student jobs for you; they are attractive because they do not require many hours of work or pay more than the minimum wage. More than 98% of the…

Top 4 Reasons Why You Should Not Invest In NFTs

By nazaire

NFTs are also known as non-fungible tokens and are a buzzword these days. They are the hype in the cryptocurrency industry and are a niche market in the blockchain industry. However, other than the term NFT here, what else do we know about this trend in the crypto world. Many people are buying crypto-currencies and…

Top 5 Best Tips For Spending Your Money Wisely In Your 20s

By nazaire

Saving and spending money in your 20s is something we all struggle with. I always say this, but the American school system has failed us and does not teach us what we need in life. We are not given the proper tools to succeed in life. We learn to take tests, remember and regurgitate things…

Top 5 Best Tips For Saving Money

By nazaire

Saving money in your 20s can be difficult, especially if you live on your own. Living on your own means that there is no one to dictate how you can and can’t use your money. However, the early you start saving money, the better it is for your future. So without further ado, let’s dive…

Top 4 Practical Tips For Thrifting

By nazaire

Thrifting is real fun, and it is the ecological and modern way of shopping. Not only getting clothes at a more affordable price, but you are also saving our planet. This is a win-win situation if you ask us. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some practical tips for thrifting.…