5 Ways To Save Money As A College Student

By nazaire

College is one of the times where you are finally independent, and you are left on your own device. It is one of the times in your adult life when you are going to be on your own and working jobs to sustain yourself. However, because it is the time in your life where you…

The Best Jobs You Can Have as a College Student

By nazaire

Your earlier 20s is the time when you must have a plethora of jobs so that you know what types of jobs fit your fancy and what you love and don’t love to do. It is the time of your life when you can have more than one job at a time, and this will…

Weirdest college scholarships you can get

By nazaire

If you are a kid from a working or even middle-class background, you know the hassle of taking extracurricular activities and being in a club because they will look good on your college resume and hopefully land you a scholarship. I speak from personal experience when I say I could only afford college because of…