If you are a kid from a working or even middle-class background, you know the hassle of taking extracurricular activities and being in a club because they will look good on your college resume and hopefully land you a scholarship.
I speak from personal experience when I say I could only afford college because of scholarships and a hefty amount of student loans. If you are an older Gen Z like me, chances are you just finished college, so come along with me and let’s talk a trip down the weirdest college grants that you could have got.
For anyone applying for college, you may try to hit these up, and who knows, maybe you’ll be the recipient of a weird scholarship and this could be a good ice breaker and can start your college experience on the right foot. Without further ado, let’s get started with this list.
Tips for applying for scholarships
These tips come from a veteran scholarship applicant and scholarship receiver, so you can trust me on this one; I know what I am talking about.
- Never miss the closing date– This never gives a good impression, especially if you are applying for a scholarship. Always be on time and remember, early is on time, on time is late and late is unacceptable!
- Be yourself– Okay, this might sound easy to say, but it’s difficult to do. But trust me, each scholarship will get hundreds if not thousands of applications. Everyone has had a family member who has had cancer or a dear one who died, so these are no longer original or groundbreaking application letters. What will demarcate you from others is your personality.
- Don’t apply for only one scholarship– Well, this also sounds like a given, but many people don’t do it. Don’t place all your eggs in the same basket; apply for popular scholarships like the Fulbright Scholarship Program, but then all apply for some of the weird scholarships on our list.
List of weird scholarships:
1. Vegetarian Resource Group Scholarship
Yes, you can get a scholarship for being vegetarian or vegan for that matter because technically, vegans are vegetarians who don’t eat animals byproducts. Applicants are judged on their ability to be compassionate, courageous and show a strong commitment to living and promoting a peaceful lifestyle through their vegetarian diet.
This scholarship is granted to US students who have just graduated high school and are moving to college. They have to prove that they promoted a vegetarian lifestyle in their surrounding community and have 2 testimonials who can vouch that you are/were vegetarian for at least 2 years. Those who win this can get up to $20 000 as a grant for their college journey, and you just have to be a vegetarian activist to get this.
2. Stuck At Prom Scholarship
This is one of the most creative and funny challenges when it comes to scholarship. Let’s be honest, prom can be pretty boring with everyone in their perfect gowns and suits, ever wanted to stick out? Well, this scholarship was made for you, to participate your prom attire has be gag-worthy and impress a panel of judges who decide the winners for this competition. Y
ou should deck up your garment with Duck tape, and this is where the fun part starts; you can be as wild with this as you want because the ultimate goal is to win the competition. Get your best friend to take pictures of you in your Duck tape embellish attire and enter the competition with your most glamorous or ridiculous shot. You can win up to $20 000 in cash scholarship.
3. Doodle for Google Scholarship
This is your opportunity to let your creative juices run free; you need to craft a doodle with the material of your choice for this scholarship. The winner of this competition will not only be displayed on Google.com for a day but will also receive a $30 000 scholarship for their craft. On top of that, the student’s school or the nonprofit organization of their choice will receive a $50 000 technology package.
They will also get a trip to Google headquarters in California and get Google hardware and fun memorabilia. On top of that, if you are one of the finalists, you also get a cash scholarship of $5 000 along with a trip to Google headquarters and all that fun stuff. This one is best suited for all those little artists out there; fund your future education with your art.
Sound off in the comment sections below and tell us if you are currently applying for any scholarship or if you are going to college.