These days everyone is struggling to make ends meet, especially during the pandemic. Covid-19 came and turned our lives upside down; people lose their jobs and find themselves in time of need. Have you ever thought about including a side hustle to your monthly income which will make you feel more comfortable? Click here, for some ideas of side jobs…
If you have already arranged your side business, you certainly want to have new clients and make your business more profitable. Some think it’s better to hire a financial coach or a virtual assistant but in the meantime, we’ve gathered some tips that will help you build your online business and find clients…

Online Clients
Some will find that searching for online clients is quite easy, while others may struggle. When you get your first client, you will be filled with joy and believe me, it is the best feeling ever, but it is only the beginning, and when commissions go down the hill, the same can apply to your mood.
You may wonder what you are doing wrong and how to get new clients; if you have followed these tips, you will be amazed at how many clients there are outside waiting for your business.
There are hundreds of jobs available on Fiver and Upwork; you can check if a job is available in your category. These two platforms are suitable for different jobs, such as writer or graphic designer. When you apply for a job on these sites, you want to make sure you do so with confidence and show that you have experience and meet the demand.
It’s important to note that sites like fiver and Upwork attract a lot of applicants, so it’s important to stand out from the crowd.
This method of attracting customers can be a bit frightening. Emailing, or commonly known as cold pitch, is a method through which you research potential clients and contact them via email to offer your services.
Cold pitching is a very inexpensive way to acquire clients; although it may seem very scary for you to approach a potential client first, keep in mind that the worst thing that can ever happen is that they say no.
You can schedule everything on a spreadsheet, so you don’t spam the same client with emails, and you can do some follow-up regularly.

Facebook Groups
With this pandemic, we’ve seen how powerful social media can be. Almost every business has resorted to being online during the lockdown to keep their presence when people couldn’t come to their stores.
There is absolutely a Facebook group for everything right now; it doesn’t have to be business; for example, if you sell plants, there are groups of plant lovers to post what you sell.
Instagram is one of the best platforms for engagement; you can follow your customers and build a better relationship with them. They will naturally feel closer to you, which can create a loyal customer for your business.
Although it is a professional platform, LinkedIn is often underestimated. If you have a freelance business as a writer or graphic designer, you can upload your job postings on LinkedIn and have people contact you. Or you can apply to jobs posted on the platform.
If you have some existing clients, they may know people who need your services. So, it’s better to ask; it may sound weird at first, but remember that this can bring you new clients, and there is no such thing as being weird for new clients.
Nowadays, having a side job is becoming more than a necessity, and it’s very easy to get where you want to be; you just need determination and a good plan. Let us know in the comments if you want a whole guide on building a side hustle…