Top 4 Practical Tips For Thrifting

By nazaire

Thrifting is real fun, and it is the ecological and modern way of shopping. Not only getting clothes at a more affordable price, but you are also saving our planet. This is a win-win situation if you ask us. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some practical tips for thrifting.…

7 Millionaire Spending Habits — How Do You Compare?

By nazaire

Compare oneself to others is not a good idea since it may be harmful. It’s both unjust and incorrect. As you go through the statistics below, bear this in mind. It’s quite OK if you’re a statistical outlier. (In many ways, I am.) However, when we look at others, we generally see the best version…

What Is Pink Tax And Is It Real? (Part Two)

By nazaire

What is pink tax? We, women, have a lot of challenges associated with our gender only, and as if it was not enough that we receive less money for the same position compared to men, we have to pay for what we call the “pink tax”. If you want to read about what is pink…

What Is Pink Tax And Is It Real? ( Part One)

By nazaire

What is pink tax? We, women, have a lot of challenges associated with our gender only, and as if it was not enough that we receive less money for the same position compared to men, we have to pay for what we call the “pink tax”. This article will look at straight facts, what it…

8 Essential Money Concepts to Understand Before You’re 30

By nazaire

Most of us have developed bad money habits in our 20s; almost around 25, we start to see the importance of saving, budgeting, and adopting better financial habits. Before you hit your 30s, you want to have a stable way of building wealth. Personal finance is very important – and knowing how to master it…

Top 3 Dumb Ways You Spend Your Money

By nazaire

Spending money is really easy; just look at how much money we spend on eating out, online shopping, and books (this one is for me and all the bookworms out there), and you will realize that you spend money like an expert. If you are anything like me, you might have a compulsive buying episode…

What Drives Inflation?

By nazaire

There are two main causes of inflation: demand-pull and cost-push. Both are responsible for a general rise in prices in an economy, but they each work differently. Demand-pull conditions occur when demand from consumers pulls prices up, while cost-push occurs when supply costs force prices higher. You may find some sources that cite the third…

What Is The 70-20-10 Budget?

By nazaire

There are different kinds of budgeting plans, from the easiest to the most challenging, but the good thing is that you have the choice and may choose the one that fits you the most. If you have tried budgeting but have failed in the past, this template may be made for you. This concept is…

How To Set Up Your Emergency Fund

By nazaire

You might be seeing this because you’re looking for strategies to boost your emergency fund. It’s also possible that you don’t have any emergency funds at the moment and wish to make significant adjustments to offer yourself financial stability. In any case, you’ve arrived at the correct spot, so continue reading. While saving money might…