Moneyadviceblog » Money » How to Save Money on Monthly Expenses?

If you are here, it probably means two things:

Either your monthly income and monthly expenses are not aligned at all. Or, someone you know – someone who always knows what they are talking about – has suggested that your monthly expenses need to be reduced and in a hurry.

Many assume that the idea of slashing your monthly expenses only sounds good in theory, unaware of the real changes they can make to end up with a massive amount of savings on their budget.

The approach I’ve taken in this article is focused on breaking old habits and making a little tweaks to allow yourself some extra cash.

How to Save Money on the Food Budget?

Take an average American household and you’d learn that nearly $9,000 is spent on food per month (according to 2019 statistics). Needless to say how the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a more drastic increase in food expenditure.

I’m not suggesting you change your approach to food or, worst of all, adopt a healthy eating lifestyle. This shiny array of tips will only help you to avoid falling into the same pitfalls over and over again.

  1. Cook “Take-Out” at Home

Cook “Take-Out” at Home

I established earlier that I won’t ask you to change or eliminate your eating habits. And, I won’t ignore that.

Instead, I want you to make pledges. Just two.

I pledge that I will eat out… but I also pledge that I will eat out less often.

Let me make it clear: Ordering that addictive combination of delicious crust, sweet tomato sauce and salty mozzarella cheese is not your enemy.

The problem stems from you spending more than you can afford.

So, the first step on your trim and tidy food budget is to cut out a bit on take-outs and cook your own meals at home.

Committing to preparing meals at home also comes with leftovers that can be turned into cheap and easy meals.

  1. Don’t Forget the “Storage Tricks”

Don’t Forget the “Storage Tricks”

It always breaks my heart to watch food wither away in front of my eyes.

But, you can avoid those soul-destroying days with these easy tips:

  • Wrap cheese in paper
  • Wrap veggies like broccoli or celery in tin foil
  • Onions should be stored in old pairs of tights
  • Lettuce can stored with a kitchen towel
  • Keep tomatoes away from the fridge
  • Mushrooms go in paper bags
  1. Start a Garden

Start a Garden

The great pleasure you get when vegetable gardening brings you closer to God’s nature is not worthy of comparison with any other feelings – without forgetting the several health benefits. And, if done right, it can turn into a huge profit.

Carrots, tomatoes and potatoes, for example, are vegetables that are purchased by most households on a weekly basis.

But, what if I say you can have an abundance of these vegetables without spending a dime?

If you are ready to start gardening and trim your food bill, here are some tips to get you started.

  1. Always Stick To Your Grocery List

Always Stick To Your Grocery List

A trip to the grocery store can quickly turn into a stressful ordeal when you are tempted to drop a little more cash on unnecessary items.

I mean, why buy cooking wine when you rarely step in the kitchen? Or, why waste money on sawdust-like breadcrumbs when you can obviously make your own?

Your goal is to stick to your grocery list – made following your menu plan – and to think twice before putting items in your cart.

  1. Bring a Calculator

Bring a Calculator

Some people may shy away from calculators, but bringing one with you at the grocery store will help you stick to your budget.

  1. Buy Non-Perishable Items in Bulk

Buy Non-Perishable Items in Bulk

It’s a pity how many people avoid non-perishable food items that are available for significantly less money.

Oh and clashing with a popular myth, bulk buying goes beyond dry gains only today. If you shop with the bulk buying principle in mind, you’ll find a myriad of food items, ranging from legumes to snacks.

Honestly, we are guilty of spending too much on things we don’t use. But, if this month, you are able to reduce your food expenses to, say, 10 percent. The month after that, take it down 10 percent more. I’m sure it’ll lead you on your path to pain-free savings.