Is It Possible To Have Two Health Insurance Plans?

Are you not satisfied with the reimbursement method offered by your health insurance company? No law says you can’t get a second one. Find out more in this article.

The Different Options Available to You

If you want to have two health insurance plans, there are two options. On the one hand, there is the subscription to a supplementary health insurance plan to cover the expenses not covered by your first health insurance plan, especially for dental and optical care. The premium to be paid each month depends on your current reimbursement level. In addition, you do not have to pay for benefits that are not useful to you.

On the other hand, you can subscribe to a second mutual insurance. It will act as a complement to your first mutual insurance. However, if this one has more essential guarantees than the first one, it is better to abstain.

As an employee, you can also subscribe to two health insurance plans by joining your company’s and your spouse’s health insurance plans. However, you are obliged to pay two monthly contributions. Depending on the specific characteristics of your spouse’s health insurance plan, you may be exempt from paying two premiums per month. Find out in advance what arrangements need to be made.

These types of coverage are suitable for people who suffer from recurring health problems or who often have significant medical expenses.

The Different Ways of Reimbursement

It is essential to know that having two mutual health insurance companies does not mean that you will be reimbursed twice. A decree imposes that the reimbursement amount must not exceed the amount of the care provided. The second mutual insurance will only cover the rest of the expenses not covered by the first mutual insurance.

However, you should know that only one mutual health insurance company must be attached to your social security: the first mutual insurance company. Therefore, the data must only be transmitted to this mutual insurance company. Afterward, you can send the benefits statements to your second mutual health insurance company to give rise to the complementary reimbursement. This is a lengthy procedure as the mutual health insurance companies only transmit their statements every quarter. You can go to your personal online space and print the necessary documents to get a quick refund.

The disadvantage of subscribing to two health insurance companies is that the administrative procedure is complex. You also have to avoid paying for benefits that will not serve you.

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The Advantages of Subscribing to Two Health Insurance Plans

Subscribing to two mutual health insurance plans brings many advantages, such as choosing the levels of guarantees to cover all your expenses. It is also an attractive solution for extra fees, hospitalization costs, or spa treatments.

You can adapt the guarantees according to what you really need. For example, if you often suffer from toothache or eye problems, you can concentrate on one of the two mutual insurance companies to cover these expenses.

Two health insurance plans can be taken out with the same organization or two different insurance companies. It depends on the type of coverage you are looking for and the value of the premium to be paid.

To find the health insurance plan that best meets your expectations, use word of mouth or ask the insurers directly. They can advise you on which plan to choose and inform you of its advantages concerning your situation.

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