Shopping and eating on a budget made easy

Shopping can be difficult, especially if you are on a budget. This is a comprehensive guide on how to shop on a budget. No need to be an Extreme Cheapskate to save money on groceries or food; follow these simple rules and your bank account will be happy.

Have a list

Living on a budget is not hard if you have some patience; always have a list of the things you need to buy. Be streamlined like a horse in a race. Get in and get out of the shop as fast as possible; only stop to get the items on your list. Grocery stores are arranged in such a way to attract people and are set up to make us spend more money than we originally intended to. This is why milk and cereal are kept far apart, milk an essential item that most people need, is usually kept at the back of most grocery stores. Groceries make us go through them and tempt us with things that we don’t need. Another trick that grocery stores do is that they put the most expensive items at eye level to tempt us. Having a list and sticking to it will save money that you would have otherwise spent on unnecessary items. Making your list according to product types makes your shopping quicker and easier as you can get everything you need just by going down the necessary aisles. 

Use Coupons

The idea of using coupons might sound boring, but it helps us save a lot of money. Here are some of the quick and easy ways to get coupons. Who doesn’t like free stuff and food, especially if it is your birthday? Sign up for birthday clubs; some restaurants and food chains give you a treat on your birthday. If you are a member of Red Robin’s Royalty program, you can get a free gourmet burger on your birthday; this would have otherwise cost you $6.99 to $11.99. If you like online shopping, you should check out Honey. This chrome extension or mobile app finds coupons online and automatically applies them to your online purchase. It even works on certain fast-food chains and restaurants. A study found that you can save up to $1500 yearly if you shop online and use coupons. However, you should always compare prices even with coupons as they aren’t always the best deal out there.


Buy seasonal produce

Seasonal produces are usually less expensive than imported produces as they are sourced locally. This not only is environmentally friendly but also saves you money. Visiting your local market to get the best deal on seasonal produce, not only makes you eat fresh fruits and vegetables but may also help you try new things, which I would consider a win-win situation. Seasonal products contain more nutrients and even taste better as they don’t have any added preservatives since they don’t need to travel far to reach your plate. Try growing herbs on your window sill, these are easy to grow and take care of, and they’ll be a game-changer for your dishes. Use them as topping to make your food look more appetizing. If you live in an apartment, you might consider starting a communal garden on the roof with your neighbors. You can do this in your free time and everyone can chip in; you can even have a barbecue to celebrate your harvest. 

Remember that shopping should be a sprint, not a marathon, if you want to save money. Comment down below if you are going to use any of these tips next time you go grocery shopping.

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